In this captivating episode of ‘From Surviving to Living, Spotlight Series’ we dive into the powerful story of Felicia, a woman who journeyed from a troubled past, marked by poverty and family struggles, to a life entangled with undiagnosed mental health issues, gambling addiction, and a series of bank robberies.

Felicia opens up about her childhood in Ohio, her academic and professional success, and the spiral into gambling that led her to incarceration. Following her aunt’s advice, Felicia moves to Minnesota, seeking a fresh start and better mental health services. Through her narrative, we explore the critical themes of mental health awareness, the impact of trauma, the journey to recovery, and the importance of purpose.

This episode is not just Felicia’s transformation story but a beacon of hope, emphasizing the power of support, the significance of self-awareness, and the transformative power of finding one’s purpose through helping others. Amidst her challenges, Felicia’s journey is a testament to resilience, the possibility of change, and the importance of faith in personal recovery and renewal. Summary from

Watch the full interview here: